
Typography is vital to developing a world-class brand identity for your business. Different typefaces can evoke very different feelings and emotions in people – not only in how they look, but also in how they are put into position. The most subtle spacing or minute changes to the layout can make a huge difference.

To create a well-rounded identity it’s important to maintain a consistent “voice” through various aspects of your visual identity. Typography can have more of an impact than you think. The use of a wrong typeface or the wrong layout can send mixed signals or worse, send the wrong messages.

“Form and function together create typographic excellence.”

R. Roger Remington

What is typography?

Typography is the study and analysis of various typefaces. It’s the process of finding the best way to layout type onto a page in order to convey a deeper meaning, rich context, or relay the correct tone to an audience.

Brand Identity Design

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